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Pass-Through Entity Tax (PTET) Annual Return: Shareholder, member, and partner information upload

Our upload process allows you to report shareholder, member, or partner information quickly and easily. These instructions explain how it works.

Comma delimited file: This file type separates fields with alphanumeric information by the comma character (,). Insert a comma between each shareholder, member, and partner record (column entry) to separate fields. Fields can vary in length but can’t exceed the maximum characters listed below.

The file must be in either .txt or .csv format. If you don't know how to format your file, see the help function on the software product you are using for instructions.

The file must include the following fields:

  • Enter a Y or N to indicate if the Shareholder, member, or partner is a disregarded entity.
  • Enter a 9-character ID of the disregarded entity if Y was entered into the first field and the disregarded entity has received an EIN. Otherwise, leave this field blank. 
  • Enter a maximum 32-character Name of the disregarded entity if Y was entered into the first field. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
  • Enter 'Individual' or 'Estate or Trust' to indicate the type of taxpayer claiming credit.
  • Enter a 9-character ID of taxpayer claiming credit. 
  • Enter a maximum 32-character Individual last name or name of estate or trust.
  • Enter a maximum 16-character Individual first name if the type of taxpayer claiming the credit is an individual. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
  • Enter a 1-character Individual middle initial, if applicable and the type of taxpayer claiming the credit is an individual. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
  • Enter a maximum 3-character Individual suffix, if applicable and the type of taxpayer claiming the credit is an individual. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
  • If the entity is filing as a partnership, enter a Y or N to indicate if the Shareholder, member or partner is considered a New York State resident. If the entity is filing as a New York State S corporation, leave this field blank.
  • Enter Ownership percentage as a positive number (0.00–100.00) for the taxpayer claiming the credit reported for this period. Do not enter commas or other non-numeric characters other than periods (.) to show decimal values.
  • Enter Direct share of New York State PTET credit as a positive whole number for the taxpayer claiming the credit reported for this period. Do not enter commas or other non-numeric characters other than periods (.) to show cents. You may enter up to 16 characters.
  • If the entity opted in to the New York City PTET, enter Direct share of New York City PTET credit as a whole number greater than or equal to zero for the taxpayer claiming the credit reported for this period. Do not enter commas or other non-numeric characters other than periods (.) to show cents. You may enter up to 16 characters. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Field details
Required fields for the file Maximum length or size Format Required
Shareholder, member, or partner is a disregarded entity 1 Alphabetic Required
ID of disregarded entity 9 Alphanumeric Optional
Name of disregarded entity 32 Alphanumeric Conditional
Type of taxpayer claiming credit 15 Alphabetic Required
ID of taxpayer claiming credit 9 Alphanumeric Required
Individual last name or name of estate or trust 32 Alphabetic* Required
Individual first name 16 Alphabetic Conditional
Individual middle initial 1 Alphabetic Optional
Individual suffix 3 Alphabetic Optional
Shareholder, member, or partner is a New York State resident 1 Alphabetic Conditional
Ownership percentage 5 Numeric Required
Direct share of New York State PTET credit 16 Numeric Required
Direct share of New York City PTET credit 16 Numeric Conditional

* This field is alphabetic when reporting an individual's last name and alphanumeric when reporting the name of an estate or trust.

